Wadim van Akkeren

"I fail gracefully and succeed humbly."

Inside my area of expertise I love design and everything around it, I have been loving it since I was 12 years old. I used to call myself a 'Graphic Designer' but nowadays that doesn't cover it, because you have to be much much more.

Outside my expertise I am a social and enthusiastic peoples person. I enjoy figuring out how to make things work better. This doesn't mean I never make mistakes, no. But I fail gracefully and succeed humbly after not giving up for the rest of the process.

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I write clear emails.
I bring energy to the table.
I don’t take design critique as an insult, but as an opportunity.
I'm aware of my own strengths and weaknesses.
I don’t give up too fast.
I understand the impact of moving that button.
I pay attention to details.
I get off my chair to whiteboard.
I simplify.
I give credit.
I make a silly joke every other hour.
I try to have fun, and share this fun.
I know when to work late.
I engage with the design community.
I'm all about transparency and team spirit.
I lead, even if that word is not in my title.
I run brainstorm/group sessions.
I love teaching people new skills.


Visual design.
User-interface design.
User-experience design.
Graphic design.
Adobe Creative Suite.
Video editing tools.
Quick sketching / wireframing.
Ask customers the right questions.
Google webdesigner.
Organizing workshops.